visual design
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The way a web application looks might be viewed as the icing on the cake, but if it’s neglected it can have damaging results to the brand and the business. Through the years the Tristream design team has developed a depth of understanding that promotes maximum usability by precisely defining the relationship of each element by the use of color, white space, shape and size. This is the heart of successful application visual design.

If you’re not careful, visual design can become very subjective. Blue, green, rounded, square, on the left, on the right… How do you make the correct choices? Our knowledge of color theory, layout, and cultural differences resolve these seemingly vague issues with clear objectivity. Every pixel has reason for being where it is, what color it is, and how it makes the user react. For instance, icon design and placement, once understood by a user, is a faster means of communication than text.

If you are looking at a monitor screen most of the day, the way it looks is going to affect your experience and experience is everything.

diagram of golden ratio